Увеличить высоту TextBox
Как можно увеличить высоту формы в самом коде?
Доброго времени суток. Подскажите, пожалуйста, как можно увеличить высоту формы в самом коде.
Изменить высоту textbox для 1 строки
Здравствуйте! К слову весь вопрос. Как изменить высоту textbox для 1 строки. Свойства Autosize.
Изменять высоту изображения при вводе значения в TextBox
Наверно самый тупой вопрос, ну какой код наложить на TextBox чтоб при вводе числа менялось высота.
Увеличить число в TextBox на единицу
Понимаю, глупый вопрос. На форме расположены кнопка и ТекстБокс. Нужно, чтобы при нажатии на.
Сообщение было отмечено The_Doc как решение
Сообщение от Eugene13
Сообщение было отмечено The_Doc как решение
Увеличить интервал между символами в textBox (либо похожий объект)
Здравствуйте! Можно ли как-то (желательно не программным путем) увеличить интервал между символами.
Увеличить высоту TextBox
Здравствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста, как увеличить высоту texbox по нажатию кнопки(textbox может.
Увеличить высоту букв
Доброе утро! Я лишь недавно начала писать сайты и столкнулась с проблемой. Кто-нибудь знает, можно.
Увеличить высоту, ширину блока
Буду очень благодарен если поможете . Хочу спросить как можно при помощи событий , допустим click.
Change Height of TextBox Control in Windows Forms
From the title, this seems to be a very simple post that every novice programmer would know but changing the height of a textbox control in a Windows Forms Application is bit tricky that thought. You must be wondering that setting the Size.Height property of the control would do this, but as soon as you change this, it reverts back to the original default size. If not, go give a try and let me know if it works instantly. In this post, we will see ways on how to achieve this. There are few ways you can increase the height of the textbox. They are –
Option 1: Use MultiLine Property
You can set the MultiLine property of the TextBox control to True and then increase the height of the TextBox. This may not be desirable in some cases when you want to restrict users to enter only single line in the textbox.
Option 2: Change Designer.cs file
Open the Designer.cs file and scroll down to the place where your textbox properties are set. Add the following lines to set the height of the TextBox. However, if you are using this approach, beware that you changes get lost as soon as you make some change in the Form designer and hence this approach is highly recommended to be NOT used.
Option 3: Use MinimumSize Property
This is the most robust way I have found so far. To use this approach, you need to make 2 changes in your Textbox properties.
- Set MinimumSize Property of the TextBox to your desired size(Height & Width)
- Clear the Size Property of the TextBox to blank and hit Enter.
As you do this, your TextBox will resize to your desired Height & Width.
Как увеличить высоту textbox c
It is a hidden property which will not show up in the IDE, but it will not throw an error if used in code. To set the height of a TextBox by disabling auto-sizing:
I’ll have to remember this.
As part of incorporating this technique, I also made a slight mod to the [ GetFontForTextBoxHeight() ] method, as shown above. My thought is that if I’m using this technique of disabling of the .AutoSize property to explicitly set the textbox .Height *and* the textbox’s .BorderStyle != System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D then I can squeeze in a couple more pixels of size for the text. My testing of this idea has worked fine.
edit: On these extra points for the fontsize:
The reason to call the [ GetFontForTextBoxHeight() ] method in the first place from the [ Size_ManualHeight ] set accessor when [(value >= default_Height)] is because otherwise the fontsize is too large for the height of the textbox (and the displayed value will probably be clipped). At the same time, if the value set to [ Size_ManualHeight ] is much less than 15, the text value quickly becomes unreadable. The idea of allowing for 2 extra pixels was a way to somewhat alleviate this. Though, the idea doesn’t work out well if the textbox’s .BorderStyle == System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
Let me guess. like whomever uni-voted my question?
«This method will return a font object that will set the size of your text box:»
What does that even mean? You can’t set the size of anything using a font.
Try to adjust the height property of a textbox (with multi-line set to false). The height will not change. Now adjust the font size — the height of the textbox changes to accommodate the taller font. Now set it by fractions of pixels — the textbox height will change ever so slightly. The font calculations were to calculate just the right font size to make the textbox increase to the desired height.
I don’t think you understand what I’m trying to say. The article is titled wrong. What you’re doing is calculating font size based on given TextBox size, while the title says the exact opposite.
Also, your method might not always work. Try changing the display DPI setting to something significantly different than the default 96 (you may need to reboot), then see if it still works. The fact that you’re using hard-coded constants is a throw-off. I’ve seen this kind of issues in lots of software, where they ignore the DPI setting and do this kind of wrong calculations.
Actually, DPI settings were taken into account in the calculations by switching the font to GraphicsUnit.Pixel. The Em values remain the same, independent of DPI settings. Where I would have gotten into trouble with DPI settings is if I had retained the GraphicsUnit.Point, where a calculation from point-to-pixel (or inch, or world, or furlongs, for that matter ) would factor in the DPI settings.
I did try it after reading your comment. It does still work, even at 200% DPI, which btw, is quite fugly.
Bear Naked Code
I had a c# project that required a single-line text box with adjustable height. I found many examples of how to adjust the width, but nothing on how to dynamically change the height of a text box. I did not want to use multi-line because I wanted to use the auto-complete features of the single-line text box.
Single-line textbox height is set by the size of the font, not the TextBox.Height property. This makes it difficult if you are looking for an exact height. Luckily, the font property uses a float for the font size (emSize). You can use fractions of fonts to fine-tune the textbox height.
The calculation the textbox uses to determine its height is:
- Font Size — It is easiest to measure font in pixels so you do not have to factor in screen dpi.
- Font Line Spacing — The distance, in design units, between two consecutive lines of text.
- Font Em Height — height, in design units of the font’s widest letter — typically the letter M.
We can reverse this calculation to obtain the font size needed for a desired height:
Font Size = ( height — 7 ) * Font Em Height / Font Line Spacing
This method will return a font object that will set the size of your text box:
Whenever you have to set the textbox size, set the font property using the above method: