Язык для 3ds что это
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Как установить русификатор для 3ds max и нужен ли он
3д макс — программа сама по себе достаточно сложная: множество непонятных кнопок, окон и функций при первом запуске может вызвать тихий ужас у новичка. Но особенной сложностью кажется то, что интерфейс программы полностью на английском. Но не спешите искать в интернете русифицированный 3d max, давайте сначала разберемся, а действительно ли вам это надо?
Стоит ли устанавливать русификатор
Прежде всего, нужно сказать, что просто поменять язык в программе не получится — придется скачивать русификатор, а затем устанавливать его поверх программы. Официального 3d max на русском тоже не существует: его переводом занимаются любители, либо машины. Любители не всегда разбираются в тонкостях программы, переводя невпопад, да и машины часто переводят коряво — и это только усложняют работу.
Другой, очень весомый минус состоит в том, что 99% уроков по программе сделаны под английский интерфейс. Это значит, что вы потратите огромную кучу времени при обучении, ища кнопки в программе под русским названием. На крупных спецфорумах по 3D та же история: никто не будет объяснять вам что-то или подсказывать, опираясь на русские названия кнопок и модификаторов.
А вот плюсы в использовании английской версии можно найти. Это, например, хорошая база для изучения основных терминов. Потом и в оригинальный Фотошоп зайти будет не страшно, и Архикадом на английском пользоваться. Таким образом, лично я устанавливать 3ds max русификатор не рекомендую. Если все же хочется попробовать — найти его на просторах интернета легко, можно скачать и поставить. Как установить русскую версию: инструкция далее.
Как установить русификатор
Русская версия устанавливается на английскую, поэтому грамотнее ее называть не «версией», а просто русификатором.
без каких либо дополнений и заплаток — hotfix'ов.
- Запускаем ее, регистрируем, а затем закрываем.
- Скачиваем подходящий русификатор, обычно они сделаны под конкретную версию.
- Распаковываем архив в соответствии с битностью программы.
- Запускаем файл с расширением .exe и устанавливаем русификатор, как обычную программу.
- Запускаем 3D Мах, интерфейс должен быть русским.
Еще раз хочется напомнить, что официальной русской версии у программы нет, потому за правильность и понятность перевода никто не отвечает. Но, возможно, русификация действительно поможет вам на начальных порах разобраться что к чему.
3DS : Setting game locales
While installing custom firmware on a 3DS does indeed remove the software-based region lock, it does not account for locale issues. Locale is additional data that a game will often ask the 3DS for that includes the console’s current language and software region. As an example:
- The 3DS is a Japanese 3DS set to the Japanese language.
- You attempt to launch an American cartridge.
- The 3DS tells the game that it is a Japanese region console and would like the game to run in Japanese.
- The game, being an English game, does not have Japanese on the cartridge and does not know what to do with this information.
- The game crashes.
In some cases, games may successfully launch with an incorrect locale, but:
- Games may display partially or entirely in the language of the console, rather than the language on the cartridge
- Out-of-region DLC may not work properly
To mitigate this issue, Luma3DS allows you to specify the game’s locale to allow the game to work properly. You may also use this feature to launch a game in a specific language without changing the system language (for example, if you want your 3DS user interface in English, but to launch a specific game in French). This page covers the various ways that you can specify a game’s locale.
Before you start
You must enable the Enable game patching option for locale settings to take effect. To enable it:
- Power off your device
- Press and hold (Select), and while holding (Select), power on your device to enter the Luma3DS configuration menu
- Scroll down to Enable game patching and enable it
- If enabled, it will be marked with (x)
This method is generally the easiest, as it pulls from your title database and therefore does not require you to look up the title ID of each game.
- If you don’t already have it, download Luma Locale Switcher from here (direct download) and install the CIA file with FBI
- If you choose to get this from elsewhere (e.g. Universal-Updater), ensure that you get the build that is marked as «NIGHTLY»
- Launch Luma Locale Switcher (the Luma with translation icon)
- Select «Titles»
- Navigate to the game for which you want to change the locale
- Set the locale to what the game expects
- For example, if it’s an American game and you want it to run in English, you should set the region to USA and the language to EN
- Exit Luma Locale Switcher
This application automatically creates locale files from a predetermined list. This list is not comprehensive and may not include every game that is known to have locale issues.
- If you don’t already have it, download Luma Locale Region Auto Setter from here (direct download) and install the CIA file with FBI.
- Launch Luma Locale Region Auto Setter
- Follow the prompts on-screen
You can also set the locale manually by creating a text file.
- Insert your SD card into your computer
- Navigate to the /luma/titles/
- Create the titles folder if it does not already exist
- Create a folder with the title ID of the game
- You can get the game’s title ID from here (cartridges), here (digital games), or from the FBI -> Titles menu
- For example, Taiko no Tatsujin: Dokodon! Mystery Adventure’s title ID is 0004000000190E00 , so you’d create a folder named 0004000000190E00
- Create a new text document and name it locale
- With file extensions enabled, the name of the file should be locale.txt
- Type the desired locale (based on what the game expects) into the text document
- For example, if it’s an American game and you want it to run in English, you should set the region to USA and the language to EN , so you should type USA EN
- Save your changes
- Remove your SD card and insert it into your device
Extra: Extended Locale Setting
Some games, most notably Tomodachi Life, are known to not launch with basic locale settings because they look not only at region and language, but sub-region within that region (e.g. a territory or state within that country). You can still set the locale of such a game, but you will have to follow the manual locale setting method (that is, create a file called locale.txt in /luma/titles/<title ID of game>/ ), since the automatic locale setters do not account for this.
The syntax of the extended locale setting is <region> <language> <country code> <state numerical ID> . For example:
Translation Toolkit 3DS
Translation Toolkit is a command line interface to simplify the workflow for translating 3DS games and releasing patches.
It uses the following tools:
- Scripts options:
- Apply Patches (AP).
- Create Patches (CP).
- Distribute (D).
- Send via FTP (S).
- Send to Citra (SC).
- Setup Workspace (SW).
- Update Workspace (UW).
- Release Patches (RP).
- Replace Files (RF).
- Create Saves (CS).
- Extract Game (EG).
- Rebuild Game (RG).
- Distribute & Send via FTP (DS).
- Distribute & Send to Citra (DSC).
Download contains the following prebuilt binaries:
- win_i686 — For 32-bit Windows.
- win_x86_64 — For 64-bit Windows.
- linux_x86_64 — For and 64-bit Linux.
Extract the archive and copy TranslationToolkit.exe to the root of your translation directory and run it.
User guide
Apply Patches (AP):
- This script is used to apply .xdelta , .patJ and .patE patches to all files from the original game.
- It searches internally specified folders using the naming scheme <folder>_<language> (e.g. Layout_EN ) for patches and applies them to the files with matching names from the folder <folder>_<originalLanguage> (e.g. Layout_JA ).
- A <file>.<ext>.xdelta patch will create <file>.<ext> .
- A <file>.patJ patch will create <file>.binJ and update <file>.savJ if found.
- A <file>.patE patch will create <file>.e and update <file>.savE if found.
- -f — Force overriding all files even if their hashes match (e.g. AP -f ).
- -o=<XY> — Set the original language to <XY> (e.g. AP -o=JA ).
Create Patches (CP):
- This script is used to create .xdelta , .patJ and .patE patches for all edited game files.
- It searches internally specified folders using the naming scheme <folder>_<language> (e.g. Layout_EN ) for edited files and creates patches using the files with matching names from the folder <folder>_<originalLanguage> (e.g. Layout_JA ).
- A <file>.<ext> file will create a <file>.<ext>.xdelta patch.
- A <file>.savJ project file will create a <file>.patJ patch.
- A <file>.savE project file will create a <file>.patE patch.
- If no <file>.savJ or <file>.savE project file is found <file>.binJ and <file>.e files are used to create the patch.
- -f — Force overriding all patches even if their hashes match (e.g. CP -f ).
- -o=<XY> — Set the original language to <XY> (e.g. CP -o=JA ).
Distribute (D):
- This script is used to copy all edited game files to a folder that matches the file structure of an extracted .cia or .3ds file.
- You can use this to either:
- Copy it to your extracted game to create a patched .cia or .3ds file.
- Or use the S script to send the files to your 3DS so Luma can patch them.
- If you specify multiple languages the translations of the first language are used whenever possible.
- The other languages are used when translations are missing.
- This works line-by-line for .binJ files (if .patJ files are found) and file-by-file for all other file types.
- If you choose the original version ( v1.0 ) only those files are being distributed.
- If you chose an updated version (e.g. v1.1 ) the files from the original version and the updated files will be distributed.
- -f — Force overriding all files even if their hashes match (e.g. D -f ).
- -o=<XY> — Set the original language to <XY> (e.g. D -o=JA ).
Send via FTP (S):
- This script is used to send the with the D script generated folder to 3DS so Luma can patch the game.
- For this to work your 3DS needs a FTP Server application, such as FTPD, and your 3DS and your PC need to be connected to the same network.
- The script requires you to specify the following values to properly send the files:
- Folder — The folder generated by the D script.
- Title ID — The ID of the game you want to patch.
- 3DS IP — The local IP address of your 3DS. FTPD displays it on the top screen (e.g. «[]»:5000).
- Port — The port the FTP Server is listening. FTPD displays it on the top screen (e.g. []:»5000″).
- User — The registered username. In FTPD you can configure this in the settings by opening the Menu (Y) and selecting Settings. (This can be left blank to connect unauthorized.)
- Password — The registered password. This value can be configured the same way as the username (can be left blank to connect unauthorized).
- -f — Force overriding all files even if the timestamp is newer (e.g. S -f ).
Send to Citra (SC):
- This script is used to send the with the D script generated folder to Citra’s mod folder.
- The script requires you to specify the following values to properly send the files:
- Folder — The folder generated by the D script.
- Title ID — The ID of the game you want to patch.
- -f — Force overriding all files even if their hashes match (e.g. SC -f ).
Setup Workspace (SW):
- This script is used to download the latest patches from the repository, copy the required original files from the extracted CIA and run the AP script.
- It requires you to specify the following values:
- Download URL or Zip File — The url for downloading all patches as a zip file, or the full path to a local zip file.
- CIA Folder — The folder containing the extracted CIA file.
- -f — Force overriding all files even if their hashes match (e.g. SW -f ).
- -o=<XY> — Set the original language to <XY> (e.g. SW -o=JA ).
Update Workspace (UW):
- This script is used to download the latest patches from the repository and run the AP script.
- It requires you to specify the following values:
- Download URL or Zip File — The url for downloading all patches as a zip file, or the full path to a local zip file.
- -f — Force overriding all files even if their hashes match (e.g. UW -f ).
- -o=<XY> — Set the original language to <XY> (e.g. UW -o=JA ).
Release Patches (RP):
- This script is used to create banner.xdelta , code.xdelta and RomFS.xdelta patches by distributing the files for a given language and version and rebuilding the banner and romFS files.
- The script requires you to specify the following values:
- Language — A single language (e.g. EN ) or multiple languages (e.g. DE,EN ) to distribute. More information can be found in the details of the D script.
- Version — The version to release patches for (e.g. v1.0 , v1.1 ).
- CIA Folder — The folder containing the extracted CIA file to override. Do not use the folder you used for the SW script, but a copy of it.
- Patches File — The archive file to write the patches to.
- -o=<XY> — Set the original language to <XY> (e.g. RP -o=JA ).
Replace Files (RF):
- This script searches the given destination folder for files with the same name as the files in the given source folder and replaces them.
- This can be used to update multiple .bclim files at once when editing .arc files.
Create Saves (CS):
- This script is used to apply .patJ and .patE patches to all files from the original game in order to create .savJ and .savE files.
- It can also be used to update the decoding tables used in those files by enabling the -f option.
- It searches internally specified folders using the naming scheme <folder>_<language> (e.g. Message_EN ) for patches and applies them to the files with matching names from the folder <folder>_<originalLanguage> (e.g. Message_JA ).
- A <file>.patJ patch will create <file>.savJ .
- A <file>.patE patch will create <file>.savE .
- Table File — The filename of the updated decoding table. This table will be stored inside the save files.
- -f — Force overriding all files even if they exist (e.g. CS -f ).
- -o=<XY> — Set the original language to <XY> (e.g. CS -o=JA ).
Extract Game (EG):
- This script is used to extract a .cia or .3ds file in order to use the extracted folder for the SW script.
- The script requires you to specify the following values:
- Game File — The full path to the .cia or .3ds to extract.
- Game Folder — The full path to the folder the game should be extracted to. This folder can then be used by the SW script.
Rebuild Game (RG):
- This script is used to rebuild a .cia or .3ds file after using the RP script.
- The script requires you to specify the following values:
- Game Folder — The full path to the folder containing the game files. The folder from the RP script can be used for it.
- Game File — The full path to the destination .cia or .3ds file to create.
- CIA Version — If you want to rebuild a .cia file you need to specify a version as a string (e.g. v1.0.0 ) or integer (e.g. 1024 ).
Distribute & Send via FTP (DS):
- This script combines the D and S scripts.
Distribute & Send to Citra (DSC):
- This script combines the D and SC scripts.
When starting the program it searches for a file named .ttparams which defines the file structure of the game and the repository. If the file is missing default values will be used. It is a json file with the following, optional parameters: